Dogs, our loyal companions, often face anxiety and fear triggered by sudden noises and thunderstorms. Whether it’s the booming sound of thunder or the startling crack of fireworks, many dogs experience stress and discomfort during such events. As responsible pet guardians, we have to understand and address their fears. Here are a few tips to help dogs cope with their anxiety and create a more peaceful environment for them during tumultuous times.

Before delving into solutions, it’s crucial to recognise the signs of anxiety in dogs. Common indicators include trembling, excessive panting, pacing, drooling, hiding, whining, or destructive behavior. Each dog may react differently, so it’s essential to observe your furry friend and identify their specific stress signals. Here is more information from the University of Sydney in their article, ‘Dogs, thunderstorms, and fireworks: the fear is real‘.

Create a Safe Haven:

Establishing a secure and comfortable space for your dog is the first step in helping them cope with sudden noises and thunderstorms. This haven could be a quiet room or a cozy crate filled with familiar toys and blankets. Ensure that your dog associates this space with positive experiences by occasionally providing treats or praise when they voluntarily go there.

Desensitisation Techniques:

Gradual exposure to the sounds that trigger anxiety can help desensitise your dog over time. Use recordings of thunderstorms or fireworks at a low volume and gradually increase them as your dog becomes more comfortable. do this when your dog is calm and there is no thunderstorm or fireworks. While playing the sounds, give your dog treats or playtime to create positive associations and change your dog’s emotional reaction. You can download the Dogs Trust UK Scary Sounds App for free, make sure you read the free guide that comes with it. Get help from a professional positive dog trainer if needed.

Invest in Noise-Blocking Products:

To minimise the impact of sudden noises, consider using noise-blocking products like earmuffs or noise-canceling headphones specifically designed for dogs. These products can help reduce the intensity of sounds and provide a sense of security for your pet. However, some dogs are so anxious, that even the earmuffs cannot block out enough of the distressing sounds. Help your dog to get used to wearing the earmuffs happily, don’t just bring them out for the first time during the NYE fireworks.

Thundershirts and Calming Wraps:

Thundershirts and similar calming wraps apply gentle pressure to your dog’s body, providing a sense of security and comfort. Many pet owners find these garments effective in alleviating anxiety during thunderstorms and other noisy situations.

Natural Remedies:

Explore natural remedies to calm your dog’s nerves. Products like calming pheromone diffusers, sprays, or treats containing ingredients like chamomile and lavender can have a soothing effect. Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements to your dog’s routine.

Behavioral Training:

Enlist the help of a professional dog trainer to address your dog’s fear through behaviour modification techniques. Positive reinforcement training can help shift your dog’s focus away from the anxiety-inducing stimuli, promoting a more relaxed response.

Consult with a Veterinarian:

If your dog’s anxiety is severe, consult with your veterinarian. They may recommend anti-anxiety medications or sedatives to help your dog cope during particularly stressful events. A vet can also rule out any underlying health issues contributing to your dog’s anxiety.