Schnauzer what you need to know
Interview with Deidree Anderson
Deidree Anderson at the 2016 Sydney Royal Easter Show
Cathy Beer, Pets4Life interviews Deidree Anderson from the Schnauzer Club NSW at the 2016 Sydney Royal Easter Show about the Schnauzer what you need to know.
Deidree knows all about Schnauzers. She shares her knowledge about this breed including the importance of grooming, what type of families would suit a Schnauzer and the potential health issues you need to be aware of. Deidree loves Schnauzers so much she has seven dogs at home! If you are thinking about getting a Schnauzer puppy or rescue, then read on about the Schnauzer what you need to know…
Check out these great dog tricks in the video below. Nadia Badger and her dog Bachi wow the crowd with an impromptu performance at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.
Cathy: What is it about Schnauzers that you love?
Deidree: I love how they come in three sizes. There is the giant breed, the standard, which is a medium size dog and the miniature. My dog Jake is a miniature. I like their wiry coats. They are a very versatile type of dog and a utilitarian type of dog, so they have a lot of working ability.
Cathy: What type of family would suit a Schnauzer?
Deidree: We’ve (Schnauzer Club NSW) seen them with a lot of different families. The main thing is the person has to be willing to groom them or to take them to a groomer once every 10 – 12 weeks. It’s an important consideration as they will need grooming done for the rest of their life.
Other than that, they will adapt to the person’s lifestyle. They are quite happy to be a lounge lizard or they can be active with a family who wants to go outdoors bush walking and other activities.
If you have two dogs they can play together and self-exercise but if you have one, the dog will need a daily walk or something to keep them occupied. If you want a dog just to stay alone in the back yard then a Schnauzer is not for you. They need to be part of the family. They were originally bred to be a guard or watch dog so they need to know where everyone is, and that you are safe.
Cathy: Are Schnuazers suitable for apartment living? Would they bark much because of their ‘guard dog’ nature?
Deidree: They should not be an incessant barker. They will bark to warn someone is around but then they should stop. They will need access to a park to exercise.
Cathy: What should of questions should someone ask a breeder concerning potential health issues?
Deidree: We have questions to ask a breeder on the Schnauzer Club NSW website. A responsible breeder will have run tests for hereditary diseases. The main things to ask the breeder are:
Why have they done this particular mating?
Are there any health issues?
What testing do they do?
Like a lot of large breeds, you’ve got to check the hips of the giant Schnauzer. The standards pretty much do not have too many problems with them. You need to check the eyes for the miniatures. Overall, the Schnauzer is a very sensible shape dog as they don’t have the extremes of some breeds. So they are quite a long living dog up to 16 years.
Cathy: I just need to know… do they like being cuddled?
Deidree: I have seven Schnauzers at home and if I happen to lie down on the lounge I have an instant blanket. They’ll keep you warm in winter!
To find out more about the Schnauzer what you need to know and Schnauzer Rescue NSW, visit
Nadia Badger and her Schnauzer Bachi show off a few tricks
Nadia Badger and her 3.5 year old Schnauzer Bachi give an impromptu performance at the 2016 Sydney Royal Easter Show. Nadia says about Bachi: ‘She’s a clown, loves to perform and loves to learn.’ Nadia has been training Bachi since she was eight weeks old.
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